Key roles in the club and its committee are filled each year by rotation. To contact us, please use the club’s email address (provided in your membership pack) or the contact-us page.
Our committee chairperson role is held by David Shaw
The position of vice-chairperson is vacant.
Our secretary this season is Simon Major
The position of vice-secretary is vacant
Membership Secretary
Simon Major is the membership secretary for this season.
The position of assistant membership secretary is vacant.
Competition Secretary
Dick Fielding is the competition secretary for this season.
The position of vice competition secretary is vacant
We are grateful to Jon Perry for managing the club’s publicity
The club’s finances are managed by Sue Major
Assistant Treasurer is currently a vacant position.
Co-opted Helpers
The committee is grateful to individuals who don’t have a formal role, but assist the committee in achieving its aims by attending meetings, contributing ideas and most importantly, executing tasks.