Extraordinary times
The events of the past months have left no one untouched. We have all witnessed massive changes and had to adapt to survive.
Our club is no different and we need to make some changes to survive. Your committee has deliberated and need to make some changes to this season’s program and how we operate so that the club can operate safely and still provide value to our members.
The Wesley Hall where we usually meet is undergoing refurbishments and will not be available until around January 2021. The refurbishment work was due to take place over the summer but was delayed due to Covid-19. This means we are without a meeting place until then.
We have looked at other halls, but Tuesday evening availability in a hall big enough to accommodate our membership with social distancing is impossible.
Many other camera clubs in the CACC region have taken the decision not to have in-person meetings until the new year and are continuing to use on-line (Zoom) meetings for the start of the next season.
Given the non-availability of the hall it makes sense that we do the same and review the situation in the new year, if the Wesley hall is finished.
Therefore we have decided to make at least the first half of the next season online only, using Zoom.
Help with Zoom
We don’t want to exclude or disadvantage anyone, and we are keen to assist in any way we can to ensure you have access to the club online.
If you have any problems with Zoom or need help, then please do contact us for help as we want to make sure we can still reach as many of you as we can.
Changes to the Program
We will need to make some changes to the program to ensure all the meetings are suitable for online presentation. The committee are hard at work reviewing all the meetings and contacting the speakers.
One positive effect of the recent events is many speakers up and down the country are offering to do their talks online. In the past we have been limited to using speakers for presentations that are fairly local – but now we have the whole world to pick from. You may remember that our last speaker in last season presented from his home in France.
We’re looking at bringing some great speakers into the club, and the revised program will be published shortly.
It has been necessary to make some changes to the competitions as well.
Firstly we are only accepting PDIs this season. That means competitions that are traditionally print only like the Anne Walker Award or the Teuchter Trophy will be PDI for this season.
Because we’re not accepting prints, we are increasing the number of PDI’s you can enter from “up to two” to “up to three”. Simon will give more details as the season runs.
Finally, we ask people with trophies to hold on to them for the time being. We will be awarding certificates for the 2019-2020 season at the AGM which will be posted out.
Membership Subscriptions
We’re splitting the season into two, and charging £35 for the first half of the season.
The intention is that the second half of the season should also be £35 meaning the subscription is the same as it was this past season (£70), but there is uncertainty about whether the church will increase hall hire fees as a result of the refurbishment, we may have to pay for the hall and chairs to be sanitised before and after the meetings, and we may need cleaning materials or AV equipment to broadcast the in person meetings to those isolating at home via Zoom.
David will also only be taking payment by BACS electronic transfer of funds so we don’t have to handle cheques or cash.
In Conclusion
We’ve had to make some changes to the club’s operation to adapt to our new environment. We still want to bring you some great photography and continue to entertain, educate and inform, and we hope you will support the club by joining us in the next season – wherever that may take us!