And it was a challenge in more ways than one! About 17 members, mostly local, braved the snow and ice to attend, and they were rewarded with a very good array of images.
The ‘snappy’ title of the challenge was SNAPS – Street, Night, Abstract, Portrait, Scenic – and there were 17 entrants, each providing one image for each category. The judge for the evening was unable to attend because of the weather conditions, so Dick stood in alongside Eric to do the scoring, which was along the lines of the Portfolio competition.
There were some super images on show and apart from the overall winner, there were prizes awarded to the top scorer of each category. Hmmm. Wish I had been one of them..!
Margaret took the trophy, and also won two of the categories (so it’s all round to her house to help her drink the wine). She also picked up the only 20 of the evening.
Carol and Sharon were also awarded bottles of wine..
Maryann Ellis